Most people believe if they make all of their credit cards, car loan, and mortgage payments on time, they can expect their credit score to be great. However, focusing on your payment history alone will not give you a complete breakdown of what actually goes into your credit score. Here are five factors that determine your credit score: Payment History: 35% Lenders want to know that you are a reliable payer and you are making most of your payments in a timely manner. While a one-time late payment will have an impact on your payment history, if it is an unusual occurrence, it will not take long to regain your standing. Your payment…
Understanding Your Credit Score
Most people believe if they make all of their credit cards, car loan, and mortgage payments on time, they can expect their credit score to be great. However, focusing on your payment history alone will not give you a complete breakdown of what actually goes into your credit score. Here are five factors that determine your credit score: Payment History: 35% Lenders want to know that you are a reliable payer and you are making most of your payments in a timely manner. While a one-time late payment will have an impact on your payment history, if it is an unusual occurrence, it will not take long to regain your standing. Your payment…