You might be under the impression that all debt is bad, but that isn’t true. While no one likes to owe money, some loans can help you become more financially secure. There are good debts, and there are bad debts. Good debts are not as risky to lenders and may lead to better loan terms. Bad debts raise red flags to lenders and make them more cautious about lending you money, leading to higher interest rates. To help you better understand the differences, let’s review some examples of good and bad debts. Unsecured Debt vs. Secured Debt Most debt falls into two categories: secured debt and unsecured debt. Secured debt that is “secured” by collateral, like mortgages and car loans. If you do not repay the secured debt as promised, your lender can repossess the security (your house or car) to satisfy…
Good Debt, Bad Debt – Knowing the Difference
You might be under the impression that all debt is bad, but that isn’t true. While no one likes to owe money, some loans can help you become more financially secure. There are good debts, and there are bad debts. Good debts are not as risky to lenders and may lead to better loan terms. Bad debts raise red flags to lenders and make them more cautious about lending you money, leading to higher interest rates. To help you better understand the differences, let’s review some examples of good and bad debts. Unsecured Debt vs. Secured Debt Most debt falls into two categories: secured debt and unsecured debt. Secured debt that is “secured” by collateral, like mortgages and car loans. If you do not repay the secured debt as promised, your lender can repossess the security (your house or car) to satisfy…