What’s one of the most persuasive pieces of advice that you’ve heard about credit cards? Most likely, your parents told you to pay them all off, cut most of them up, and save only one for emergencies. But you don’t have to destroy your credit cards or refuse to use them to take control of your spending habits. In fact, refusing to use credit can weaken your credit score. Here are four ways to manage your credit card balances while continuing to use your credit cards. 1. Reschedule Payment Dates for More Convenient Times. Just move your payment date. This is especially helpful if your payday doesn’t match your payment due date. You will lower your chances of missing a payment. FYI: Credit card payment history accounts for about 35% of your credit score. 2. Pay in Full…
4 Ways to Make Your Credit Cards Work for You
What’s one of the most persuasive pieces of advice that you’ve heard about credit cards? Most likely, your parents told you to pay them all off, cut most of them up, and save only one for emergencies. But you don’t have to destroy your credit cards or refuse to use them to take control of your spending habits. In fact, refusing to use credit can weaken your credit score. Here are four ways to manage your credit card balances while continuing to use your credit cards. 1. Reschedule Payment Dates for More Convenient Times. Just move your payment date. This is especially helpful if your payday doesn’t match your payment due date. You will lower your chances of missing a payment. FYI: Credit card payment history accounts for about 35% of your credit score. 2. Pay in Full…