With the ease of transferring money between accounts today, it’s becoming more common for people to have financial accounts at multiple institutions. For example, you may have your primary checking and savings accounts at one place, a separate savings account at another institution, and an account with an online company like PayPal®. While the ability to transfer money between accounts is convenient, maintaining multiple accounts can become challenging – especially if you have several accounts. If you stop using an account for a while, what happens to it? Better yet, what happens to the money in there? Types of Inactive…
What Happens to Your Inactive Accounts?
With the ease of transferring money between accounts today, it’s becoming more common for people to have financial accounts at multiple institutions. For example, you may have your primary checking and savings accounts at one place, a separate savings account at another institution, and an account with an online company like PayPal®. While the ability to transfer money between accounts is convenient, maintaining multiple accounts can become challenging – especially if you have several accounts. If you stop using an account for a while, what happens to it? Better yet, what happens to the money in there? Types of Inactive…